1:15 Diversion and Progress of the Mood in the Present Time
Hsu Hui-Ching 、Hsiao Ya-Hsin 、Wang Yi-Hui 、Juo Ching-You 、Isa Ho 、Yu Hong-Bang 、Liu Dan-Yan 、Peng Hui-Rong 、Du Ting-Ting 、Pan Yu-You 、Hsiao Ru-Fang 、Huang Sheng-Yan 、Wang Chih-Wen 、Yang Jen-Ming
2003. 05. 17 — 2003. 06. 16


1:15 Diversion and Progress of the Mood in the Present Time
Curator / Hsin-Tian Liao

When modern people confront present lives, their moods will not be consistent even though personal tone has been progressively being qualitatively equalized and planed. Diverse space-time, significant interpretation, and view-point have split concerns of 15 persons, who seemingly possess alike orbits, into 15 different worlds with contemporary scenes of 15 dialogues. When the sponsor walks into their worlds, those scenes will no longer exist in self-whisper; with intervention of liberated conservations, a temporarily unclosed domain could be pretty public and alternate private. The meanings change at the moment to endless chain reactions of reading: They read society, the sponsor reads them, and the audiences read the display. 15 persons discuss distinct issues with different materials to concern physicality, livelihood, sex, imagining world, visual figuration, and thinking state; their tunes are different too, or introspection, sarcasm, sentiment, philandering, and severity. Notwithstanding they express, there exists only a fundamental key in common: The fatigue and flee of their moods. That’s the same like you and me, no matter how brilliant or sorrowful the broadly external world is, we always start off from the positions we are placed in to reflect our correspondences. It is we call the lifestyle of the modern age; at the time of enjoying the convenience of civilization, we also have to tolerate the prices of being a modern; namely a mode of constrained for nothing but still trying to settle life up by creation. 15 inventors convey their observations through their ways, and intend to converse with audiences:

Introspections beneath physical appearance: Kuo Wei-Kuo, Wang Chih-Wen, Huang Sheng-Yan

Records about life words: Hsiao Ru-Fang, Pan Yu-You, Yu Hong-Bang

Reflection of female conception: Isa Ho, Liu Dan-Yan

Roam around the world of myth: Du Ting-Ting, Juo Ching-You

Immersion in construction of color and form: Juo Ching-You, Wang Yi-Hui, Hsiao Ya-Hsin

Deliberation of knowledge and soul: Yang Jen-Ming, Hsu Hui-Ching

In addition to expression of modern mood, there’s another claim in the exhibition: Dialogue. 1:15 exhibition will remain the formation of 1:15 all the time; in the figuration of single individual viewing 15 persons, that illusory individual is the one readily accessing the show, till the ending.